Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Juan Williams Gets Schooled...

...by Laura Ingraham. Hattip: Expose The Left

Is it too little too late from Condoleeza Rice, is that what you’re saying?

Juan: I think it’s too little, and I think it’s evidence of passivity. I mean it’s just weak, you know, people are throwing bombs over there, people are dying. I mean the pictures are just sadness. Lebanon is just being torn to shreds, and the U.S., somehow …

Laura: …and why is it being torn to shreds?

Juan: It’s being torn to shreds because of Israeli bombs at this moment, and because the terrorists, Hezbollah, started this.

Laura: So, are you blaming Israel for this? This whole situation in the Middle East? I don’t think even the Arab League is even doing that.

Juan: I’m not blaming them; I don’t know why you would say that. What I am saying is that the United States, as the world’s Super Power, has a responsibility here not to simply stand by, you know, as if it’s some Super Power that’s distracted, maybe pre-occupied. Instead, get involved and start saving lives.

Laura: Here’s my question to you: If Hezbollah’s strength is seriously degraded, is that good for America and our security interests, or bad for America and our security interests?

Juan: It’s TERIFFIC for American security interests.

Laura: So, why on earth, Juan, would we tell Israel to stop, cease fire, because a cease-fire applies to whom? It really applies to Israel. It doesn’t apply to Hezbollah, they’re not listening to anybody.

Juan: What is going on in your head? Where are you? Have you noticed lately how many people who are dying? Both on the Israeli and the Lebanese sides.

Juan the Idiot

Laura: War is hell, Juan… war is hell.

Juan: War is hell? Well let me tell you something. If it is your family, if it’s someone you cared about, if you were…

Laura: Israel is unified behind their response, Juan. Did you see what Israel’s people are saying? They have never been as united as they’ve been now since the Yom Kippur war.

"Laura tries to cool things down, and wants to know what Juan would do if he were a decision-maker; specifically, what would he do if he were an advisor to President Bush?"

Laura: Juan Williams advising President Bush – go:

Juan: Immediately begin diplomatic efforts… start talking… start…

Laura: What does that mean?

Juan: …start talking to the Arab states about them getting involved in Lebanon, and having them put the blanket on Hezbollah.

Laura Shock
Did he just say that?

Laura: It’s called the U.N. temporary peace-keeping force that has been there and done nothing. I mean, is the U.N. a savior here? Has the U.N. done anything?

Juan: No, the U.N. hasn’t been able to do it. The Lebanese army is too weak to do it.

Laura: So, Egypt is going to do it for us?

Juan: No, well, you know what, you can have a group…

Laura: Israel is the only place, the only country that can clean this out, Juan. Who else is going to clean out Hezbollah?

Juan: You know what Israel can do? Israel can do exactly what you’re seeing being done; bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb. It’s not going to get rid of Hezbollah; it’s just going to, in fact, create more terrorists and possibly even reverberate here in this country by creating more terrorists who would come here to roost here in the U.S.!

Watch the classroom here.

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