Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Kindley's Hitting The Right Nerve

Marcus' stance against the normalization of homosexuality is infuriating the liberal Greensboro bloggers. Look at Sue's place. Sue is so sure everyone agrees with her, she makes no attempt to argue, but has the nerve to accuse Marcus of hate speech... and later to call him a coward!

She is also certain that Marcus' statement embarasses Guilford County. From her comments:
"My point: Marcus Kindley’s post portrayed pedophelia as equivalent to homosexuality and that is (a) wrong and (b) a stupid thing for a county party chair to post. It makes Greensboro and Guilford County look bad and if you checked the stats, you’d find the area score HIGH on “tolerance,” one of Richard Florida’s four Ts, and we have a thriving LGBT community that helps us be interesting to companies who are searching for diverse, talented, and creative communities in which to expand or locate their businesses."

Tolerance to the left doesn't mean people tolerate folks that are gay. That is not near what they mean. It means agreeing with them about the morality of homosexuality. I am confident most people in the city, county, state and country are tolerant of gays in our communities- but it doesn't mean we regard their sexual conduct as natural.

Fuck you and your fascist friends. Strikes the right nerve? How about gets struck by lightning because he has no fucking soul and needs to be "straigtened" out?

You hillbilly 'tards better be careful, your thumbs are visibly receding.

Oh, and by the way, YOUR "BLOG" IS AS USELESS AS A WITHERED CUNT... male or female variety makes me no nevermind, you're still a god-damned hillbilly.
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