Monday, July 31, 2006

Rush To Judgement- Why They Bother.

A drunken, billigerent Mel Gibson makes anti-semetic slurs. The left side of the blogosphere- and presumambly their puppet masters are gleeful. Why? Gibson is only one of the legion of famous people who foul up.

They are gleeful over Gibson's demise because he made a historically accurate movie about the death of Jesus. Roger Ebert wrote about the movie:
"I prefer to evaluate a film on the basis of what it intends to do, not on what I think it should have done. It is clear that Mel Gibson wanted to make graphic and inescapable the price that Jesus paid (as Christians believe) when he died for our sins. Anyone raised as a Catholic will be familiar with the stops along the way; the screenplay is inspired not so much by the Gospels as by the 14 Stations of the Cross. As an altar boy, serving during the Stations on Friday nights in Lent, I was encouraged to meditate on Christ's suffering, and I remember the chants as the priest led the way from one station to another:
At the Cross, her station keeping ...Stood the mournful Mother weeping ...Close to Jesus to the last."

The film was not political. It is distinctly Christian and continues to be an overwhelming success. I really believe that is why Gibson's fall is important to liberals. They don't hate Gibson, they are thankful he said what he did. No, I believe their misguided happiness over Gibson's demise is a transferrance issue. They really resent Christianity.

The man who made a great film about Christ is revealed as a sinner! The immense suffering of Christ was as violent, painful and sickening as Gibson portrayed it to be in The Passion of the Christ. Christ suffered a revolting death because Gibson's (and our) sins are revolting.

As someone who gave The Passion a positive review, and who has blogged about Gibson's recent outburst, I would say you are overthinking this one.

A famous person who has skirted accusations of anti-Semitism makes the news for grotesque anti-Semitic comments.

People comment on it.

Not that complicated, really.

I don't, as you say, "resent Christianity."

That Mel Gibson made a powerful movie about Christ does not make him the spokesman for the faithful, nor does it place him above criticism when he acts poorly in public.

Let's see, I think that's everything my puppetmasters told me to say...yep. Done.
I think you qualify more as a puppet master. I did not hear him skirt the issue at all. He did skirt questions about his dad.

It is a conflation thing! I did ask you some questions on you site.

BTW-My sister Barbara remembers you and your brother from high school. (She went to GHS, but dated half of Page and GDS). She said you were not bad, but your brother was hot!
I don't have a brother, and I didn't go to Page.

I don't resent Christianity, and I have not revised my opinion of the movie.

Mel Gibson made some nasty remarks that are not without context.

Rather than address those remarks, you want to pick a fight with yet another shadowy group of your own imagining.

You have said in the past that you seek out confrontation, and that you take personally disagreement on issues.

You also complain that people often don't engage you at your blog or other blogs.

I can't speak for others, puppetmaster though you may think me to be, but I can say that I find limited appeal in arguing with someone who has so defined his goals and mindset.
Its not my imagination. The very fact you brought up the Passion is my point. But you are the least of the one's I wrote about. There are hundreds of ugly barbs and posts- everyone of which brings up 1 particular movie.

You have a long memory, but yes I take insults directed at me personal- though I try not to react. As for searching for debate- that's pretty typical.
Your statement was not that you search for debate and take insults personally, but that you search for confrontation and take political disagreement personally.

And you continue to pick fights with imagined enemies at this site. Recently you put words in my mouth, and even more recently you launched a blast at one of your imagined groups of enemies.

And then you blame others for not playing along.

I brought up my review of The Passion to show that I had no history of rushing to judgment on Gibson's alleged anti-Semitism.

That one particular movie is the one that introduced the world to the alleged anti-Semitism of Mel Gibson. Of course the current conversation includes it.
Ed- my comment somewhere else that most of lgbbc refuses to comment on conservative blogs was right. for example, Eakes saw a few errors in my post about the GGO that had no bearing on the point of the post. instead of commenting, he wrote a disparaging post on his own site. it happens all the time to me and others and it is wrong.

Since the movie was not antisemetic, why is it relevant? I think there is an underlying belief that Christianity is antisemetic. Please don't say "imagined" when you know I have clearly said who we are talking about. Please don't say enemy, because I have never treated any of you as an enemy.
They [liberals] really resent Christianity.

These specious allegations that somehow one can only be Conservative and be Christian is so silly, it hardly merits comment, but tonight, for some reason, I can't let it pass me by. Why do you go with that ridiculous stereotype? Fact: I am progressive (OK, liberal to you) Fact: I am Christian
Fact: Mel Gibson got drunk and I am NOT glad, because I have discovered that a man I respected adn BELIEVED was not anti-semitic is. Frankly someone that drunk usually speaks from the heart.

And please, even the best most fundamentalist biblical scholars wouldn't use this term in describing a depiction of the crucifixion:"historically accurate movie" Why? because after all is said and done the only real records that we have to go on are biblical. None are archeological.
Before you call me a raving lunatic liberal, I have been to Israel, I have visited all of those sites, and I have spoken with the archeologists who are working on the Temple Mount and at Hebrew University.
Micheal- I noted that the criticism was from liberals. I know there are progressive believers.

Also, it makes no sense that a person is more believable when they are drunk and beligerent than when they are sober. I think that is nonsense. He may be anti-semetic, but alot of skeptics combed over his businesses and life and came up dry. You are now convinced he was speaking from the heart- while drunk, beligerent, resisting arrest and suicidal.
Chip, you have a single M.O. When a Christian-professing person does something 'bad,' you first seek to blame the 'liberals' who say it was bad and then you portray said Christian as a victim, and then all Christians as victims and then you do it again.

I wish you'd step back and simply say, what Gibson said was awful and likely what he believes down deep and you're very upset that someone you thought highly of is really not worthy of a pedestal.

It's that simple. You don't have to revert to your mode where you run through those steps yet again. Next, are you going to dredge up the "Protocols" and tell us how there's truth in that horrific fiction?
Sue- I do look up to his work on the big screen, but little more. I just think you are not being honest when you say this about what he said. Hundreds of current stars do stupid, illegal things in public. Why do you care about Mel?

I submit it is because of Christianity and the movie he made, not him. Frankly, what he did- as I've written over and over is wrong. No excuse.

But you are claiming that you know what he really thinks, which is something else all together. You don't know. You can judge whether he's anti-semite based on this one incident or look at his whole life.
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