Saturday, July 29, 2006

Who's Narrow Minded?

...The LGBBC (Liberal Greensboro Blogging Buddy Club) have followed the lead of their puppet masters and have spent years chasing shadows. You could say I am taunting, but really this is a post about being open minded. I 've been accused of being narrow minded, but looking over the past 2 years, I've seen an undeniable pattern of the liberal bloggers jumping to conclusions, rushing to judgemment... all symptoms of close minded writing.
Tolerance. It must be in limited supply on the left side of the Greensboro blogosphere. It's a word the LGBBC embraces. And for folks who are clearly so tolerant of their own mistakes, false charges and cruel insults, they run out of any tolerance with local and national conservatives.

Patience. It breeds tolerance. When Katrina hit, most conservative bloggers urged everyone to not rush to judgement. Same with WMDs, political indictments, etcetera.

Hypocricy. The most popular and misused term in the blogosphere. It is popular to label a person hypocritical who writes or makes a public statement encouraging his audience to, for instance, tell the truth, only to be caught lying. That is a very shallow view of hypocricy, because it encompasses all of us. (Rush is a hypocrite for condemning drug abuse and getting hooked on pain killers). Here's the real definition- "The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness." (see It goes way beyond making a mistake.

Narrow-minded. I have never seen the term used as anything else but a insulting put off. If you have the gall to call someone narrow-minded, explain why or how it is so. Otherwise you are just being a coward.

The fact is anyone brave enough to blog deserves our respect for putting their opinions on the line. They may not always be right, or tasteful, or funny, or smart, or write well, but they are sharing a part of themselves. I not only respect it, I admire it.

Well said, Chip. You've summed up my experiences since I became active in the local blogging scene.

I like your LGBBC label, too. It's accurate and descriptive.
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