Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Travel, Lack of Structure Leads To Stars Falling

I have a hunch- a theory actually- about why so many sports, music, movie stars get into so much trouble. I think it is a direct result from a lack of structure and accountability due to the burden of travel.

My personal experience with travelling is fairly limited compared to months on a movie set, 40- 50 away games, or performing 100+ concerts a year. Whenever my friends or I go on a trip alone, we encourage each other to stay away from bars and naughty TV. It is a small thing, but I always know when I get back my buddies will ask about these things.

I don't know anything about Mel Gibson's family structure, but we all know he is an alcoholic. I imagine he owns several homes. His work requires months of travel. None of these things are conducive to staying sober. If he keeps the schedule going in the future, he'll have to address the structure issue.

There are so many cases of stars falling on the road- James Worthy, Wade Boggs, Steve Garvey, Russell Crowe- I could go on and on. The good news is that stars have the means to build healthy structure and support systems to stay out of trouble. Few do, perhaps because - well because they are stars.

And don't forget how wealthy and famous these folks are, and the sycophantic star-struck culture in which we live, and the sense of entitlement that must breed.

And in Mel's case, don't forget he was raised by a Holocaust-denier.
Learn how to spell "anti-semite" and "anti-semtic." Please.
I see the spelling patrol is on the move today.

Just tell her it's "hate spelling"
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