Monday, September 11, 2006

Andy Rooney- Its Our Fault!

"Americans are puzzled over why so many people in the world hate us. We seem so nice to ourselves. They do hate us though. We know that and we're trying to protect ourselves with more weapons...We have to do it I suppose but it might be better if we figured out how to behave as a nation in a way that wouldn't make so many people in the world want to kill us."

Read it all here.

A friend read my piece below and called to say Andy Rooney said the above. Then I heard Rush Limbaugh mention Rooney's piece as well.

Of course, Mr. Rooney, we know they hated us in 1993 as well... so anyone who would infer that they hate us because of Bush would be wrong.

The Path To 9/11 starts only 38 days after Clinton was in office. Blaming terrorism on Clinton is just as foolish as blaming it on Bush, so why are the Democrats so threatened? Could it be because the movie focuses more on the real bad guys?

Sure- US law enforcement and CIA efforts were hampered by our lack of collusion and policy, but there is one message the movie makes over and over and over... "the bad guys want us dead because they are evil."

The only good thing I can say about Rooney is that many will outlive the old fart.
The "old fart's" piece really bugged me.
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