Monday, September 11, 2006

Key Phrase In Road To 9/11...

...was from one of the terrorists in the first bombing of the WTC in 1993. It went something like, "...when the Americans learn their people died simply because of their misguided policies in the Middle East, they will change those policies."

If that part is true- the terrorists could not have captured the liberal or progressive mindset more accurately in 1993 and especially in 2006. Think about it. Liberals ask questions like, "what have we done to be so hated?" Most progressives take issue with the term "terrorist," preferring "insurgent" instead. Many have charged or implied Bush is a terrorist and seem to champion any setback of our methodology for thwarting more terror attacks in America. Most progressive thinkers in the US are mortified over how the world views our country since we became proactive in eliminating the threat of terrorism.

Today is the 5th anniverserary of 9/11. It is a day of of mourning. A day to remind each other that all the deaths and sufferings were delivered by an evil and cowardly enemy. It doesn't really matter who among us was responsible for not preventing the attacks. It does matter that we have taken the battle to the enemy... and that we never stop until the threat is destroyed.

One doesn't have to look far to find terrorists, they're right here in Greensboro among us.
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the terr who masterminded the 9/11 WTC attacks, was a student here at A&T for a couple of years in the mid 1980's. He drove the same streets you did, shopped at the same stores and shopping centers, and liked to eat at Burger King; maybe you sat next to him one day at lunch.
It pays to be vigilant these days, both personally and as a nation.
My problem with Liberals is the same as my problem with Conservatives is that they both tend to pretend that Bushsolini and Rovebbels are running just one more in a long line of Republican presidencies, peopled by superannuated ex-prep boys and fraternity pranksters, recipients of legend privileges at Ivy League colleges. Both liberals and conservatives are deluding themselves.

Bush and Cheney are not constitutionally-guided office holders as they are members of a megalomaniacal junta driven to maximize power at the expense of the constitution. As such, it will not be sufficient merely to throw their party out in 2008, as in the normal natural order of succession in American politics. The Neocon has wreaked such a potentially lasting devastating effect of our domestic order and international standing, that they have to repudiated through impeachment before their term is up.

It will not do for the American electoral system to merely digest them for another two years and excrete them in 2008. This crud has to be puked out before it rots our Constitution any further.
Vig- I think we are in a quandry with the enemy we face. They are not a country or an army. Our constitution unwittingly protects them.

But I think you are wrong about Bush trampling over the constitution, at least I hope so.
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