Friday, September 29, 2006

WORDWORKS by Guy Andrews

My good friend Guy Andrews has a unique way of communicating. He went to Page and Carolina, dropped out to join the Marines, became a seargent, went to seminary at Asbury, is married with 2 beautiful girls...

Guy is consumed with a passion to know and teach the Bible. Here's a portion of his program for reading the bible through in one year, "Wordworks" copyrighted by Guy Andrews, 2004, reprinted by permission


OVERVIEW: Genesis 1 is the compass for the origins of the Cosmos and humankind.
After creating skies, vegetation, and animals, God fashions a human being to manage it. He then views His 6 day construction as very good. In chapter 2 God leaves His fingerprint of holiness on the 7th day. God puts Adam, the first man, to work in the Garden, and then provides him with a co-laborer; Eve, the first woman.
THEME: God is the Designer of glorious, universal theatre in His Creation. In chapter 2 intimacy, innocence, and security flow while the first couple honor their Creator and His Eden guidelines.
KEY WORD: “Image of God” (Genesis 1:26,27) Humankind carries the unparallel distinction of reflecting the mystery and eternity of God, because He chooses to cast the human with His “Likeness.” No quasar, angel, or Hope Diamond has that gift or responsibility.

OVERVIEW: Genealogies were a serious authority to prove Jewish bloodlines. Matthew opens his Gospel with Jesus’ ancestry. He then discusses Jesus miraculous birth, conceived in the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. Matthew quotes the prophecy made by Isaiah some 700 years prior (Isaiah 7:14) to identify Jesus as the predicted “Immanuel.”
THEME: In targeting the Jewish audience, Matthew’s goal was to testify to both Jesus’ Jewish family tree, and His authenticity as the prophesied Jewish Messiah; the King of Israel. He inaugurates this purpose by outlining Jesus genealogy that places Him in the “line” of two of the most famous Hebrew leaders’ Abraham and David.
KEY WORD: “Immanuel” (Matthew 1:23) means “God with us.” One of John Wesley’s (Founder of Methodist movement in the 18th century) last words were, “The best of all is, God is with us.” Different from every other religion that places God as transcendent and distant; Jesus reveals God at the street level.

STATISTIC: 92% of homes in America own a Bible, but only 16% of Americans read their Bible daily.
“WORD” ON “WORD”: Amos 8:11, “….not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.” Which famine are you concerned about?

1. COMMITMENT: The most important step in this adventure is crossing the threshold of commitment. Because we are fickle by nature, we must be “hemmed in-behind and before” (i.e. Psalm 139:5) by the pledge, determination, contract, profession, and purpose that we are going to simply read through the entire Bible; whatever it takes!
2. K.I.S.M.I.F. (KEEP IT SIMPLE, MAKE IT FUN!) Again, the Main thing is to keep the Main thing the Main thing. In this grand quest, don’t allow yourself to reinvent the objective. Granted, a lot of side eddies will emerge, (and many of them positive!) but “stick to your knitting,” and complete the mission of one day’s reading. When you focus on just finishing one day’s reading first and foremost, this journey will become fun.

TIP: I keep a Bible in my car for when I’m waiting to pick up kids, one in the kitchen, and one by my bed. “The eye is the lamp of the body…,” (Matt. 6:22) ergo, sometimes just having the Bible in your field of vision will cause you to read it.

MOTTO: The motto at the Bolder Boulder (CO) 10-K Race is: “Oh Yes You Can!!” God has wired us for slow and steady success. You are proving that .Dare to succeed in finishing this Book of books.

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