Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Disrespecting Our Troops

Have you seen this short, 11 second video? Is this what most Democrats believe?...that the military is for people who don't do well in school?

The last draft ended in the spring before my senior year in highschool. Ever since that time, our military's entire population is made up of volunteers. And as a testament to the character of our country, enlistment has actually been up since the Iraq war began. Their performance as an army has been spectactular.

I find it hard to believe Kerry's remarks yesterday (and when he claimed our troops were terrorizing women and children) represent those of most Democrats. The Democrats have worked hard to overcome their image of being anti-military. It is misstatements like this one that harm a party's reputation on a key issue for years to come.

Kerry held a press conference said that comment was a Bush joke gone bad.

Kerry is the joke gone bad.
Oh, puhleese. It was obvious to me the first time I read the comment that Kerry was referring to Bush -- rightly so, in my opinion. It's the haters who jumped to conclusions and heard what the wanted to hear.
How can anyone be so dumb.....hmmmm...maybe Kerry wants to run for President!!!
Ain't Denial great?

Kerry said what he said, meant what he said, and no amount of rationale, revision, or apologycan change that fact. He slimeballed our military people, plain and simple.

He has a track record of doing that sort of thing a mile long and equally as wide, spanning some 35 plus years.

There are quite a few folks who will never forget those facts about John "Reporting for Duty" Kerry.
You know the truth is Kerry is really of no consequence, he lost the election for President, he'll never get the Democratic nomination again, and he only has one vote in the Senate-- he's a nobody. So why are so many conservatives so concerned and upset by his dumb remarks when it's Bush who is sending our sons and daughters off to war? Kerry makes stupid remarks and Bush makes stupid decisions that kill thousands. Go figure!
Billy, you make a good point.

I often wonder if Clinton had struck back
with much stronger conviction would we still have our twin towers?

Kerry and Quayle would make good running mates... :-)
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