Thursday, October 19, 2006

Don't Quit, Take An Inventory

Taking an inventory is something I learned to do while training to run a marathon. When I was in the middle of a long run, sometimes I'd feel really tired and want to quit. So I'd take a physical inventory. How are my legs? Most everytime they felt strong. What about my breathing? Ah-ha, I'm not getting enough oxygen. So I'd slow down for a while, get a second wind and - here's the best part- I'd be able to fly home with an incredible runner's high.

As the Rx in Christspeak, Rx implies, I take medicine to combat depression and to control ADHD. When I feel depressed, it is a very real and consuming cloud around me. But this is just how I feel. At 51, I've had the benefit of years of great counselling. One of the tools I use is scale or inventory I found in a book- Feeling Good, The New Mood Therapy.

Now sometimes we have very real problems that are truly sad. We get fired. You can't find a job. You can't keep a job. You can't pay your bills. You can't quit drinking. A loved one dies. Your wife or husband leaves you. Sometimes there's real good reasons to feel depressed.

Take an inventory. Do your friends love you? Your children? How does God feel about you?

Do you believe in God? Maybe not, but surely you'll agree if there is a God who created the world, He must be able to control your universe. Of course He does. So why is it neccessary for you to be strong and in control? Slow down, get your wind back and remember your legs need oxygen just like your lungs do.

Here's the truth, (and its true whether we believe it or not), God choses to love us. The God of the universe, ruler over all is in charge of your household. Not a good steward? He forgives you. Think you can make things better? He commands you to pass your burdens along to Him- Christ said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
So we get depressed when sad things happen, but we are not overwhelmed. Why? Because God in Heaven - despite our lack of faith in Christ, and misplaced faith in ourselves (false worship), constant rebellion against Him, and ourselfish ways- God finds us worthy. How can this be? Certainly not by our behavior, but because Christ died for our sins. He died in our place.

Yes we have reasons to feel sad. All of us do. But let's not let our feelings trick us into quiting. Take a break. Turn your concerns over to God. Look at life with His perspective.


Dr. Burns' book really helped me 10 years ago get a grip on depression. I just recently gave my second copy away to a friend who is battling mental filters as well.

Important skills are in that book, that can be one part of a skill set to live a full life.
That book was great for me too. I use some of the skills everytime I get overwhelmed.
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