Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'd Like to Drink With...

w-w-w-wait a minute! Some guy with a blog called Christspeak- and a believer in Christ no less- writing about getting drunk?

You should know I'm 3 for 3- 3...I -or rather -we raised 3 outstanding kids who a.) didn't drink until they were of age and b.) were celibate until marraige. But my kids and my friends know my passion for life includes sex, food and drink.

I didn't wait for anything. Yes, it is a regret, but no I don't dwell on it. When I talked with my kids (around 12-13) about why I drank- I didn't want them to think of it as all bad. Some of the most wonderful friendships are bound within those few euphoric moments of drunken bliss... enough to make up for all the inevitable vomiting, hangovers, and other treacheries.

So in that spirit, who among you would I love to get drunk with? Some of you, a Poet for example, wouldn't need alcohol. I think Sue (with her husband and dog)and I would have the most fun. Hogg for certain. And anyone from Boston and/or goes by Bubba, is a must to drink with. Casserta & Gaurino- baseball men are a great pair as well...

There's a point to this somewhere- I'll post it when I have more time. It involves perspective.

There's no 'ass' in Caserta, only one s :)

Chip, that is the beauty of meetups and things like ConvergeSouth. I'll miss CS, but will try to make another meetup.
...clearly Chip is a snob...

...sigh..tears in eyes now...
Well, 20 years ago, during my single carousing days, I was a good companion to drink with. Not these days, though.

I couldn't tell you the last time I was in a bar for the expressed purpose of indulging. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I had a drink, for that matter. I'm pretty sure it was sometime this year though.
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