Monday, October 02, 2006

The Media's Role With Foley

Denny Hastert and Republican leaders are now on record- stating they knew nothing of the more graphic and lurid instant messages Foley is alleged to have sent to a 16 year old page. "But someone did," says Hastert.

Which begs the question, why was the evidence turned over to the media instead of being turned over to authorities?

We can be sure the politicians will shoot themselves up over this one, but what about the media? Is it ethical for a reporter to protect a source when it may mean more young kids are at risk from a pedophile? Assuming the reporter received the evidence recently, is he questioning why the source withheld it from the police? ... or is this another story for bloggers and talk radio to get right.

One of the good things Foley was known for was his work to protect kids from predators. Ironic. But remember the last time a congressman was busted for having sex with an underage partner? Mel Reynolds was pardoned by Clinton and now works as a youth counselor. I just don't think people in Washington get it.

So let me get this straight...there's no evidence that Foley ever TOUCHED anybody, just that he TALKED dirty?
And the Dems think this is justification for destroying the entire Republican Party?
In their dreams...
I believe the republican and democrat parties are in agreement on this one.

Chip, I agree. I believe the entire problem can be addressed by poliTICKS.
The Democrats have a far more scurilous record on these matters than Republicans.
Hey, it's just about sex, right? Nobody's business, right? The government should't spend money investigating a politicians sex life, right?
[The above brought to you by Democrats Defending Bill Clinton.]

In Foley's case, it wasn't even about real sex. It was about TALKING about sex. Sheesh.

Are you a parent? I am guessing not. Forget that line of thinking....

I used to like the idea that our politicians stood for more than they do today.

Foley is a disgusting pile of slug slime and he knows it...hence his immediate resignation in shame.

Clinton should have been quit due to lying to all of us.

Do you agree?
meblogin, being a disgusting pile of slug slime has never prevented one from being a politician. In some arenas I believe it's a requirement.
If the Dems didn't call for Clinton to resign after having actual sex acts in our White House and lying under oath after swearing to his God on a Bible, why do they call for someone's resignation after just TALKING about sex? Unbelievable hypocrisy in the pursuit of partisan political power. Barney Frank is a practicing homosexual, his aide ran a homosexual prostitution ring out of Frank's premises. Did the Dems call for this disgusting pile of slug slime to resign? Of course not, he was on their side.
This case is not about sex or sexual orientation or what's right or wrong, good or bad. It's about angry Dems clutching at any straw in an attempt to regain the political power taken away from them by the voting public. All other arguments are moot. So let's talk about the real issue, which is the hypocritical position taken by Dems whenever they see something they can generate into a partisan issue to worm their way back into our pockets and our lives.
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