Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Using The Bible To Judge

Democrat Harold Ford bragged on the campaign trail that Democrats don't "use the Bible to judge people."

Almost in the next breath he (Ford) used the bible to judge people:
"My friend Lincoln Davis, who chairs this campaign, says there is one big difference between us and ... Republicans when it comes to our faith," Ford said. 'Republicans fear the Lord. Democrats fear and love the Lord.'"

My point is that politicians on both sides use people's faith to manipulate them. When they do it, their own faith is called into question.

I really don't mind when canidates talk about their faith and its influence on their leadership. But it is a dangerous thing when they compare or judge their opponent. It exposes the shallowness of their faith, not to mention their complete lack of knowledge about their faith.

That's dang straight. Faith is a personal issue. I actually have an issue with candidates that talk about their own faith because regardless of how faithful, if used in a speech then they're looking to "connect via faith".

And that's just plain wrong.

I know you don't see it the same way, but I find that faith is a personal relationship between you and God. Outside of that, no one else needs to be informed of that. Especially not in a political type speech.
"My point is that politicians on both sides use people's faith to manipulate them. When they do it, their own faith is called into question."

You are oh so right. Thanks for saying it.
DM- in the case of Reagan-Mondale, it was the press that asked about the canidates faith. I do think many people want to know about the canidate's faith- and stating your beliefs is a far cry from trying to manipulate people with them.

Still- it is dangerous ground. If you look at what Reagan said in the 84 debate, he seems to agree with you.
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