Monday, November 06, 2006

Keep them in their place...

Tomorrow morning we all get to vote. I am grateful for the opportunity, but exhausted with the rhetoric. There are important issues at stake, but I am more concerned with things I believe are far more relevant.

Like loving my wife better... Learning more about God... praying for my children... honoring my parents... being a better neighbor... becoming a better employee.

Recently I highlighted an article about Sue Polinsky. What struck me about that piece was a reference to Sue's character- her second nature that compels her to help her neighbor. My Mom is like that. Actually, I am honored to know alot of people like that. But here's the point, these remarkable people who make life better where they can, are far more relevant to my life than any politician.

Tomorrow I'll vote for people I hope will represent our country well. It is a priviledge I don't take for granted. But I am truly thankful there are people in my community who don't have to be elected to make a difference. Their contribution far exceeds what a politician can do and that is how I remember to keep politicians in their place.

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