Sunday, November 12, 2006

Narcissistic. Intolerant. Off Message.

That's what my wife thinks of my blogging. Actually, that's her opinion of all blogging. Perhaps she's right, I think its obvious all of us (bloggers) like to read our own writing. And if that survey most of us (in Greensboro) took is any indication, none of our spouses, family and friends appreciate our blogging. Narcissistic? I'm not sure. But I wonder how productive blogging really is if no one I am close with understands it or appreciates it.

Joel and I were discussing a debate I had with another Greensboro blogger. I was talking about my being asked if I agreed with stoning someone for breaking an Old Testament law. Joel made the statement, "The (Greensboro) blogging community is very adept at stoning anyone who disagrees with them." I think he is right. In our blogging community most anyone who disagrees with the prevailing liberal arguments is roundly insulted. There is little respect and less tolerance for even the most pellucid and logical debates that contradict the liberal mindsets that prevail here.

Off Message.
My wife made the point that my debating contraversial issues sends a false impression about who I really am. When she said this I happened to be reading an article about another blogger who, when I read her blog, comes across entirely opposite from the way the article described her. And that is when it struck me that few of us do a good job representing our true selves in our blogs.

So I am signing off, at least for a while. I want to learn how to write in my own voice, so that when most people read me, they'll react to my writing as well as they do to me in person . Until then...

Don't be gone too long.

You gave me hope for a less narcissistic, more tolerant, more "on message" local blogosphere.

In other words, your voice made a difference for me just the way it was.
Blogging is another side of a person. I think that people need to realize that you don't write against the "real" you. That is a part of the real you. Just a side that most people don't see.

The way you look at this is that, when a person meets you, you have the ability to be guarded, say things with a smile on your face (or any other expression).

When you write, it's still you. But you have to choose carefully what you say or just flow with it but learn to do it with a thick skin. Emotions don't come across in black and white, which is why I choose to use *laugh* *sigh* etc. Gives a bit more although doesn't convey the whole message.
Mr. Wonderful agrees with your wife.
"When she said this I happened to be reading an article about another blogger who, when I read her blog, comes across entirely opposite from the way the article described her. And that is when it struck me that few of us do a good job representing our true selves in our blogs."

Or we don't, and the article is more accurate.

But I guess I don't know who you're talking about :)
Sue- I hope you take this as a compliment, because my bride's point was that I am rarely contraversial. You truly are one of the good ones... despite what my new associate, Moff says:)
..must be something in the

Earlier today I posted at my blog some of the same...I think--

Though I plan to be around...I intend to change how I blog.

Good luck
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